Saturday, 16 May 2009

End of Week

My fears of a market collapse proved unfounded and I should have traded better- actually recording a small loss this week, on trade number 16 of my fiscal year. (loss<£100)
My track record is not so good currently, and this is mainly down to NOT taking trades, due to confidence taking a bit of a hit.
I think it must be so reassuring to be in a trading environment with other traders who understand what trading is. My chums and I all trade differently, and often prefer different instruments, but for me it's still FTSE options.
I was surprised to see the point and figure chart of F now showing a target of 4750, though a column of 0s has appeared.
(Stockcharts- market summary)
I shall be looking for combo's next week, and prefer to go short on a big up day- I have less clue about market direction as time goes on, and in the long term I have no interest either, though perhaps I should put in place some much longer term trades- maybe calendars.
Some more research going on as I look at binary bets and the ±100 daily bets. I have been forced to abandon my pivot method for binaries as it patently didn't work, despite my initial conviction.
June expiry is a 5 week period so be careful out there. Remember there ARE free lunches, but someone always has to pay for them.


  1. In Alpesh Patel's book, Mind of a Tader. He lists a few different types of trader.

    The doubter
    You find it diffcult to execute at signals. You doubt your own abilities. You need to develop self confidence. Perhaps you should paper trade.

    The disciplined trader
    This is the ideal type of trader. You focus on your system and follow it with discipline. Trading is usually a relaxed activity. You appreciate a loss does not make you a loser.

  2. thanks for that- I've read many books on the mental side of trading, but I think we all go through periods of self doubt- even after a string of wins, as you expect the worst.
