Sunday 29 January 2012


I am sorely disappointed at the lack of options education in the UK. I am offering free mentoring for the time being,just to establish a group of traders who actually prove to themselves that they can make money.
Forget day trading forex and all the other nonsense- 98% of traders lose their shirt doing that stuff.
Options trading is the only level playing field where you set your own parameters.

Thursday 12 January 2012


I have no idea if anyone will ever read this but I have gradually withdrawn from some forums on the basis that the posters there are the same dimwit cannon fodder that I have tried to avoid most of my life! That sounds harsh but some people just suck the life out of you.
Quite often they are people like politicians who believe they are making a contribution to the world,and my favourite aphorism-
' The road to hell is paved with good intentions' Many people are not even aware of their own intentions it seems.
I therefore would like to find a robust political forum to discuss important issues.