Friday, 27 February 2009

Closed out

Closed out my risk reversal for a credit of 22. This was (and I always aim for this) a credit trade when opened-so a total of 27 per lot minus trading costs of course.
The above 22 was a 'best guess' knowing the deltas of the options- it is not the optimum price, but  I placed this as a pre-market order as I took the chance that the F might not allow me any profit, so this was a very comfortable outcome. I can now go off to my civic duties with no trades, and the prospect of watching some good rugby on the telly this weekend. unfettered by thoughts of trading. (Nah, I never really switch off).


  1. What sort of RoC is that? Sounds like a great trade though -- especially since it lasted only what, 2 days?

  2. trade lasted 1 hour of trading time- risk/reward is really 1to 1 but margin/reward was 18/1
