Wednesday, 27 March 2013

with premiums so cheap-especially call options-is it worth trying to gt into credit trades? Would it make more sense to buy long spreads and leg in to create a zero cost or credit trade? Looking ahead to May options it might be a plan to position for a big drop-Sell in May etc,but also to have some kind of call strategy to capture any up moves. Honestly I don't think we have a clue about this market since the government started paying the bankers bills.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

New Approach

Due to time constraints I no longer have the luxury of seeing data from one minute to the next,so I have to seek a longer time frame set of strategies. To date these have incurred small losses but the risk/reward is superb so I shall persist knowing that like a stopped clock I will be right some times. I hope to have in depth discussions about real trading issues,and have joined Facebook,much against my ethos,but I want to find a group of traders who are mutually supportive in the aim of making good profits every month,every year.