Thursday, 14 June 2012
I'm told the Greek markets are smashing up,as if anything will change. Looks like nasty speculators playing games because some other no hoper will be elected. I don't know about the politics or economics of the whole saga but I understand Greek people are struggling to get medicines as suppliers no longer allow a line of credit. How long before the place degenerates into total chaos? I feel very sorry for the decent people of Greece. The tax dodging populus must expect no sympathy. Meanwhile I'm told some trading platforms are closing on sunday and not allowing pre-market trades. Who knows world markets could rocket,albeit on hope and the faintest whiff of reality,but it happens,so I should not judge,just trade what comes my way.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Bull Market or BS market?
Well my put ratio spread went out worthless so I keep the handsome premium, and now I'm back in the black for my trading year.
I will speculate in some zero cost call trades but I'm not convinced about anything. Resistance looks likely at 6050,I'll make a decision this week,but with volatility so low it doesn't pay to sell any options currently.
I will speculate in some zero cost call trades but I'm not convinced about anything. Resistance looks likely at 6050,I'll make a decision this week,but with volatility so low it doesn't pay to sell any options currently.
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Part trade
Managed a small put ratio spread 5500/5450 on tuesday afternoon, not quite getting the bottom of the market. I still have no call trades,but this Greek business is such an unknown. I have risk if the ftse drops 450 or so in the next few days
Friday, 2 March 2012
Another day, no dollar
Watched my potential trades and could see no reason to have any risk for tiny reward. When the market does move, I'll probably be caught napping,but trades I would have taken in the last 2 weeks have looked a bit miserable in terms of R/R. I hate having nothing in the game..
Thursday, 1 March 2012
How to trade a stagnant market
Seems to me I am never at the screen when moves do happen as yesterday was a case in point. However this is a very odd looking market,devoid of meaningful moves. VIX is rangebound between 16.5 and 19 but the bolly bands are not showing much of a squeeze
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Interesting Link
This is an interesting site,and the article I found most disturbing is the reduction of unemployment benefits,being reduced to 76 weeks from 99. how on earth can people survive with no money?
The stock markets are so disconnected from the economic world it is disturbing. Sure iPods are selling like hot cakes, but this really is illusory there is no recovery, just a thinning out of staff and bashing of the poor. Funny how the US has 5 times more crime pro rata than the UK, it might make sense to join the dots. Crime pays when you have nothing to lose.
This is an interesting site,and the article I found most disturbing is the reduction of unemployment benefits,being reduced to 76 weeks from 99. how on earth can people survive with no money?
The stock markets are so disconnected from the economic world it is disturbing. Sure iPods are selling like hot cakes, but this really is illusory there is no recovery, just a thinning out of staff and bashing of the poor. Funny how the US has 5 times more crime pro rata than the UK, it might make sense to join the dots. Crime pays when you have nothing to lose.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
New Take, Old Strategy
Just sat through another options video- I get a lot of trading emails for free and I am never dismissive of these guys,they often have a valid point. The latest one simply suggested an iron condor where reward = risk. So on a 50 point short spread,you will take in a total premium(both sides) of 25,thus the risk in worse case is 50(-25) = 25. Will have a look at what strikes and how far OTM this would require,but when markets are flat,or showing nice S&R, this looks a useful trade.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Flat Flatter Flattest
What a very strange market -cannot figure things out,and I guess no one else can either. So what will move the market? I think there may be some exogenous event,and I hope it's not a horrible one.
Latterly we have seen the horrors of brutal dictatorships,vile oppressive regimes, and fundamentalism.
The basket case countries are a stark reminder that our freedoms, envied by most of the world,come at a cost paid for by many generations.
We must invest in ourselves,and our security as bankers must invest in the society that feeds them.(Alpesh Patel inspired this evening on Jeff Randall's Sky programme 'What's a banker worth')
Latterly we have seen the horrors of brutal dictatorships,vile oppressive regimes, and fundamentalism.
The basket case countries are a stark reminder that our freedoms, envied by most of the world,come at a cost paid for by many generations.
We must invest in ourselves,and our security as bankers must invest in the society that feeds them.(Alpesh Patel inspired this evening on Jeff Randall's Sky programme 'What's a banker worth')
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Keeping up to date
I'll try and post daily as it's a good discipline,but the only pearl of wisdom from today is: doing anything for 10,000 hours usually means you will get quite good at it-but there is no quantifiable period for luck.
The harder you work the luckier you get.
The harder you work the luckier you get.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Funny how......
Other traders seem so reluctant to be honest and share their trading results. the only honest source I found was from a company website of wealth managers. It makes grim reading

clearly a great many 'investors' are down about 30%- so the funds will have to make around 50% just to get back to par. Not good in a high inflation environment. I'd be furious that so-called professional fund managers behave like premier league footballers-probably worth £500 a week,but somehow the rewards seem to be in the stratosphere,and..... for terrible performance

clearly a great many 'investors' are down about 30%- so the funds will have to make around 50% just to get back to par. Not good in a high inflation environment. I'd be furious that so-called professional fund managers behave like premier league footballers-probably worth £500 a week,but somehow the rewards seem to be in the stratosphere,and..... for terrible performance
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
How to Position
Should one position for a move up or down? Or should we be market neutral and position for NO move? I had genuine concerns this month and was not prepared to take risk either way but positioned for a drop, with the expectation of being wrong and making a modest loss. At times like these the loonies in charge of the cash are liable to step in and make a mockery of free markets, so it's hard to make money. I don't think I should beat myself up just yet,but if we get to July and I haven't made some serious coin........
Sunday, 12 February 2012
I am concerned that the Greek people may force the hands of the politicians,and boycott any plans for further austerity.
All in all I am amazed that anyone is still trading with clowns like B of E throwing £50 billion into the ring, to counteract the other forces,such as the impending collapse of the PIIGS- funny how everyone has gone so quiet there- yet ALL of Italy's banks were downgraded by S&P
Are we to think that the others-Portugal,Ireland and Spain are all top drawer institutions?
We need to take the hit, like adults, and move on.
The big economic powers have shown that we can work in concert- G20 etc,so it's time to act like adults. Admit the errors,accept the downturn is not going away ( recession has been the actuality for the US since 2003) and tighten our belts for a few years.
Growth is illusory when debt outweighs income
All in all I am amazed that anyone is still trading with clowns like B of E throwing £50 billion into the ring, to counteract the other forces,such as the impending collapse of the PIIGS- funny how everyone has gone so quiet there- yet ALL of Italy's banks were downgraded by S&P
Are we to think that the others-Portugal,Ireland and Spain are all top drawer institutions?
We need to take the hit, like adults, and move on.
The big economic powers have shown that we can work in concert- G20 etc,so it's time to act like adults. Admit the errors,accept the downturn is not going away ( recession has been the actuality for the US since 2003) and tighten our belts for a few years.
Growth is illusory when debt outweighs income
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Proper info
Hope the link works and that what it says is accurate.
Of course the job numbers are massaged-and claiming winter workers are counted as not working due to 'weather' so making adjustments up is just plain disgusting old fashioned lies.
I don't care what the number is but really-isn't it time these guys grew up? One day we are all called to account,and I don't think mortgaging the grand childrens future is a nice thing to do.
It's not a recovery when covert QE is going on either.
Hope the link works and that what it says is accurate.
Of course the job numbers are massaged-and claiming winter workers are counted as not working due to 'weather' so making adjustments up is just plain disgusting old fashioned lies.
I don't care what the number is but really-isn't it time these guys grew up? One day we are all called to account,and I don't think mortgaging the grand childrens future is a nice thing to do.
It's not a recovery when covert QE is going on either.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Still trading
I wonder how many of the folk I used to know are still trading. It's not for most people as we know but like anything worthwhile unless you stick at it, you won't succeed.
I have a book somewhere written by a guy who made no money for the first 17 years of trading- I'm still learning after 11 years.
I have a book somewhere written by a guy who made no money for the first 17 years of trading- I'm still learning after 11 years.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Those Jobs
Saturday, 4 February 2012
When you're wrong
Van Tharp makes the most profound statement about trading" We trade our BELIEFS about the market".
That is a great comfort when we are wrong,as I am currently.
I may have a modest loss,but I believed the market was ripe for a correction-it now has to fall 2% further to make me a happier bunny.
It's not easy for options traders to make money in a low volatility environment, from my experience it's cheap to trade, but you need to be directional-ie to have a ball park figure for the market. I will look to take something out of the call side and morph my long put spread so I can take in some premium safely.
As for beliefs about the economy- you don't have to travel far to see that things are really not good-but the economy is not the stock market.
That is a great comfort when we are wrong,as I am currently.
I may have a modest loss,but I believed the market was ripe for a correction-it now has to fall 2% further to make me a happier bunny.
It's not easy for options traders to make money in a low volatility environment, from my experience it's cheap to trade, but you need to be directional-ie to have a ball park figure for the market. I will look to take something out of the call side and morph my long put spread so I can take in some premium safely.
As for beliefs about the economy- you don't have to travel far to see that things are really not good-but the economy is not the stock market.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Non Farms
It's all about this ridiculous number which everyone knows is a crock-you have to feel for the tens of millions in the US who have no homes, jobs or prospects it must hurt to see these clowns claim the economy is improving,when all that is happening is more money is being printed
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Calm Trading
A while ago I met an options trader through a very curious quasi mystical group who were into other worldly things. This trader was offering his services too but after chats with him, I figured I was doing ok. He went through a rough patch with trading,and we drifted apart,but he had a website about CALM trading-and that is something I have always tried to achieve,and I think I am getting there.
so why should trading NOT be calm?
start here:
1. poor preparation
2. No exit strategy
3. No clear entry strategy
4. No money management
5. No understanding of risk
6. Failing to do a 'what if' scenario.
7.Trying to trade news(which is too old to be of use by the time you get it)
Gambling is doing any/all of the above and is for thrill seekers.
Traders are seeking to make money from the markets,for thrills I like cycling no hands with my eyes closed(not on main roads). I get a buzz out of my other life too-which is about helping people,the key to a happy life so it is said.
We are all of us guilty of impulse/revenge trading and sometimes we have a tiny influence on the market,but that is not why we trade. emotions are for the other parts of our life and an emotional response is usually the worst response to the risk, unless you are on fire or fleeing from an enraged tiger.
I get a lot from mentoring,and hope to establish one day a small group who make money and live a stress free trading life.
so why should trading NOT be calm?
start here:
1. poor preparation
2. No exit strategy
3. No clear entry strategy
4. No money management
5. No understanding of risk
6. Failing to do a 'what if' scenario.
7.Trying to trade news(which is too old to be of use by the time you get it)
Gambling is doing any/all of the above and is for thrill seekers.
Traders are seeking to make money from the markets,for thrills I like cycling no hands with my eyes closed(not on main roads). I get a buzz out of my other life too-which is about helping people,the key to a happy life so it is said.
We are all of us guilty of impulse/revenge trading and sometimes we have a tiny influence on the market,but that is not why we trade. emotions are for the other parts of our life and an emotional response is usually the worst response to the risk, unless you are on fire or fleeing from an enraged tiger.
I get a lot from mentoring,and hope to establish one day a small group who make money and live a stress free trading life.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
I am sorely disappointed at the lack of options education in the UK. I am offering free mentoring for the time being,just to establish a group of traders who actually prove to themselves that they can make money.
Forget day trading forex and all the other nonsense- 98% of traders lose their shirt doing that stuff.
Options trading is the only level playing field where you set your own parameters.
Forget day trading forex and all the other nonsense- 98% of traders lose their shirt doing that stuff.
Options trading is the only level playing field where you set your own parameters.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
I have no idea if anyone will ever read this but I have gradually withdrawn from some forums on the basis that the posters there are the same dimwit cannon fodder that I have tried to avoid most of my life! That sounds harsh but some people just suck the life out of you.
Quite often they are people like politicians who believe they are making a contribution to the world,and my favourite aphorism-
' The road to hell is paved with good intentions' Many people are not even aware of their own intentions it seems.
I therefore would like to find a robust political forum to discuss important issues.
Quite often they are people like politicians who believe they are making a contribution to the world,and my favourite aphorism-
' The road to hell is paved with good intentions' Many people are not even aware of their own intentions it seems.
I therefore would like to find a robust political forum to discuss important issues.
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