Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Just looking back at my comments over the year- well until the end of July actually.
I got back 'on the horse' for August, and obeyed my rules and had a profitable month.
What did I do in Sep? Yup- disobeyed the rules and ran my losses into Oct. Which meant taking big risks to claw back losses. The Dec trade was ok but had to be super cautious and had no rules left for the market action that found me in a possible loss making situation 2 weeks before expiry. I could have traded better but didn't like the risk/reward, and high cost of rolling up. Another awful year and it seems that is the case for many of the traders I used to know. We have been baffled by the excess money, and downright interference allowing certain 'elements' to claw back their losses at the expense of everyone else.
I'm bitter but not blinkered, and need to be on the same side of the trade as institution x.
All quiet this week and I have no trades yet for Jan expiry.
I've been trying to write a new type of manual, allied with a course for options trading and still seek some answers as to why it is hard to get the message across. Like Sudoku, options trading is about mindset, and helping people 'get it' is key.